Consent to Receive Text Messages 接收訊息同意書

By signing below, I give my consent to receive text messages from Golden Touch Home Health LLC for all updates. I understand that these messages will include, but are not limited to, important information such as schedules, event updates, and general announcements. I understand that the frequency of messages will vary based on the needs of the Company and the specific requirements related to caregiving activities. I understand that I have the right to opt-out of receiving text messages at any time by notifying the Company in writing. I acknowledge that opting out may affect my ability to receive timely updates and important information. 通過在下方簽名,我表示同意接收萬有護理公司發送的所有更新訊息。我了解這些訊息可能包含重 要資訊,如日程安排、活動更新和一般公告等等。 我知道訊息的頻率會根據公司的需求和護理活動的具體要求而有所變化。 我明白我可以隨時通過書面通知公司來選擇退出接收簡訊。選擇退出可能會影響我無法及時獲取 更新和重要資訊。
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